Following a trial in the United States that lasted six months, each Cuban agent was convicted on espionage charges, with one (Hernandez) convicted of conspiracy to commit murder. Among other things, the WASP Network reported information to Cuba about the operation of military facilities, political and law enforcement activities and activities of organizations based in the United States who support change in the regime of Cuba.
Gerardo Hernandez
Convicted on 13 counts:
One count of conspiracy to gather and transmit national-defense information
Eight counts for acting as a foreign agent of a foreign government without notifying the Attorney General-One count for conspiracy to do so
Two counts for fraud and misuse of documents
One count of possession with intent to use five or more fraudulent identification documents
and One count of conspiracy to commit murder
Hernandez was sentenced to concurrent terns of life imprisonment on the counts of conspiracy to commit murder and to gather and transmit national-defense information. On the other counts, Hernandez was sentenced to shorter terms of imprisonment, which run concurrently with one another and with his life sentences.
Ruben Campa (a.k.a. Fernando Gozales-Llort)
Convicted on 5 counts:
Two counts for acting as a foreign agent of a foreign government without notifying the Attorney General-One count for conspiracy to do so
One count for fraud and misuse of documents
One count of possession with intent to use five or more fraudulent identification documents
Sentenced to 228 months of imprisonment
Luis Medina III (a.k.a. Ramon Labañino-Salazar)
Convicted on 10 counts:
Four counts for acting as a foreign agent of a foreign government without notifying the Attorney General-One count for conspiracy to do so
One count of conspiracy to gather and transmit national-defense information
Two counts of fraud and misuse of documents
Sentenced to life imprisonment on the conspiracy charge, on the other counts, was sentenced to shorter terms of imprisonment, which run concurrently with one another and with his life sentence.
Rene Gonzalez
Convicted on 2 counts:
One for acting as a foreign agent of a foreign government without notifying the Attorney General-One count for conspiracy to do so
He was sentenced to five years imprisonment on the conspiracy count and a consecutive term of ten years on the substantive count.
Antonio Guerrero
Convicted on 3 counts:
One for acting as a foreign agent of a foreign government without notifying the Attorney General-One count for conspiracy to do so
One count of conspiracy to gather and transmit national-defense information
Guerrero was sentenced to life imprisonment for conspiracy to gather and transmit national-defense information, for each of the other counts, Guerrero was sentenced to shorter terms of imprisonment, which run concurrently with Guerrero’s life sentence.
Medina and Campa supervised attempts by other agents to penetrate the Miami facility of the Southern Command. Under the supervision of Medina, Campa, and Hernandez, Guerrero obtained employment at the Key West Naval.
Juan Pablo Roque
Escaped Justice, fled to Cuba.
Infiltrated humanitarian group “Brothers to the Rescue” Castro’s air force, using intelligence gathered in part by Roque, shot down two small unarmed planes off Havana, killing three United States Citizens and one Resident.
Ana Margarita Martinez, a Cuban exile whom Roque married in the United States as part of his deception won a judgment against the Cuban regime. A federal judge in Florida found Cuba liable for Roque’s actions, saying he was “especially offended that Cuba – a country that disregards human rights – has callously trampled the rights of one of our own citizens on our own soil in furtherance of a vile criminal conspiracy.”
On December 17, 2014 President Obama made a live announcement from the White House. It was live at that moment that the family of the Brother’s to the Rescue Massacre victims found out that the Cuban spies that had conspired in the murder of their loved ones had been released from federal prison and were already back in Cuba where they were met with a hero’s welcome. Justice was ripped from them with the swipe of a presidential pen.
There has been U.S. indictment on the records for the Cuban Air Force Commander and Pilots and one long overdue for Raul Castro.
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