January 10, 2025


Anti-Communist Caravan
for Freedom and Democracy
Miami, Florida- September 24, 2020- Patriotic Organizing Committee– An “Anti-Communist Caravan for Freedom and Democracy” will take place on Saturday, October 10, 2020, at 9:30 a.m. The car caravan will begin in the Magic City Casino’s parking lot at 450 NW 37 Avenue. The cars will follow a specific route through the streets of Miami, which will be decided by the organizers.
We are calling on citizens to join the caravan in order to support freedom and democracy, and oppose totalitarianism.
A Patriotic Organizing Committee composed of anti-communist/socialism organizations and activists from Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela will organize the event. Key organizations of the Cuban exile community are backing the car caravan, including the 2506 Brigade and Alpha 66; IVAC from the Venezuelan community; and Fuerza Democrática Nicaragüense Comando 380 from the Nicaraguan diaspora.

The Caravans’ objectives:

(1) To denounce and reject the root of the criminal communist and socialism ideologies in all its forms and manifestations, and to educate the population about the new forms of this ideology that threaten the United States of America and other nations in our Hemisphere.

(2) To support the freedom of Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela as these nations are clear examples of the physical and moral threat posed by communism.

(3) For the respect for human rights of all people, regardless of their gender, race, or creed.

(4) To uphold law and order in our democratic society, and support frontline officers in their difficult task of maintaining order.

For more information about the Caravan, visit
