Cubazuela: How Cuba taught Venezuela to quash dissent – special report

Cubazuela: How Cuba taught Venezuela to quash dissent – special report

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Michael Allen

vie., 23 ago. 10:00 (hace 3 días)

In December 2007, after Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez suffered his first defeat at the polls, Cuba’s Communist regime instructed him on how to hang on to power as long as Fidel Castro himself had, resulting in two agreements, recently reviewed by Reuters:

The agreements, specifics of which are reported here for the first time, led to the imposing of strict surveillance of Venezuelan troops through a Venezuelan intelligence service now known as the Directorate General of Military Counterintelligence, or DGCIM. Under Cuban military advisors, Venezuela refashioned the intelligence unit into a service that spies on its own armed forces, instilling fear and paranoia and quashing dissent.….

It was a bold move by Cuba’s Castro dictatorship to colonize Venezuela, a much larger country with infinitely more natural resources. But as the tragedy in Venezuela unfolds, it appears the Cuban dictatorship may have bitten off more than it can chewJuan Antonio Blanco writes in Diario de Cuba. Blanco’s Cubazuela: Chronicle of a Cuban Intervention (above) proves that Cuba “acts as a de facto occupying force, coopting every relevant institution and controlling the strategic decision-making process of the Venezuelan regime”…..RTWT



Michael Allen

Special Assistant, Government Relations and Public Affairs

Editor, Democracy Digest

National Endowment for Democracy

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